星期六, 12月 23, 2006
Merry Christmas
This is a Christmas wreath we have on our front door. My wife and I, while walking around in a flower market, found a store that sells decorations; from this store, we picked up things that ended up like a Christmas wreath. Wish you all a merry Christmas.
星期五, 12月 15, 2006
Tracy Chapman
星期三, 12月 13, 2006
Mini-plays in music class
"Even if the prime minister of Canada won't be able to see this marvelous play," i turned to whisper to Mr. Faulds, a Canadian who is currently staying with us as the teacher in conversation course. This morning, a class invited us to watch their mini-plays in music class.They were hilarious with their not-so-picky props and costumes; I enjoyed it because it was pure fun.
There was no glamorous stages, right costumes nor international-renowned directors and all had a good time laughing. Alatine and Little Mermaid had a date and their first child was Tarzan! Two usually taciturn students showed the singer inside of them; two talkative and vivacious girls doubled up as the right hostesses who connected each piece of the plays intimately. Imagination and anticipation came into to create something better - unhampered interaction between the play and the audience.
星期四, 11月 30, 2006
昔孟母 擇鄰處
"昔孟母,擇鄰處;子不學,斷機杼" 可見古人早知社會大環境對孩童潛移默化能力的認知。現今社會價值混亂,笑貧不笑娼;以錢為衡量一切的準縄。政治人物中,有以偽証攻訐者,有挾其地位邀利者,更有以法自肥竊國者;這一切,每天在電視上演,也被所有人看在眼裏; 會有學生厚顏無恥從而效之,其實應是是預料之事;袛不過,處理這學生時,要按著性子,再多給他些機會,再多給他些正面的教育。
昔孟母 擇鄰處 子不學 斷機杼 竇燕山 有義方 教五子 名俱揚 ... 玉不琢 不成器 人不學 不知義
"昔孟母,擇鄰處;子不學,斷機杼" 可見古人早知社會大環境對孩童潛移默化能力的認知。現今社會價值混亂,笑貧不笑娼;以錢為衡量一切的準縄。政治人物中,有以偽証攻訐者,有挾其地位邀利者,更有以法自肥竊國者;這一切,每天在電視上演,也被所有人看在眼裏; 會有學生厚顏無恥從而效之,其實應是是預料之事;袛不過,處理這學生時,要按著性子,再多給他些機會,再多給他些正面的教育。
昔孟母 擇鄰處 子不學 斷機杼 竇燕山 有義方 教五子 名俱揚 ... 玉不琢 不成器 人不學 不知義
星期五, 11月 17, 2006
星期五, 11月 10, 2006
Time flies, flowers die
星期三, 11月 01, 2006
..........某個週末傍晚,抱著小朋友去買便當,回程時看到一個老婆婆在溲水桶旁收集東西 就一個想幫忙的心態,把錢包內的一點錢拿給她....她不願收,直說這東西收回去是要做堆肥的,不缺錢..... 又強塞給她,因為有個東西扯著心頭,如果她願收下,或許心裏會好受一點 她,牽著我的手,細細訴說著她那好久好久以前家境不錯的娘家,還有那嗜酒好賭的丈夫如何毀了她初嫁的幸福, 在一個無名的路旁,在冷冷的秋風中,離家多年後...看著她臉上的屈屈折折的皺紋,心裏頭苦苦酸酸的.. 她或許不缺這錢吧.... 不過覺得好像在和自己的母親講話一般...真想回家見見媽媽
Happiness presents itself, most clearly, in its absence.
Happiness presents itself, most clearly, in its absence.
nice, cozy restaurant: Tapa Tapa
Located in downtown area, this place serves excellent spanish dishes; and when its neighboring establishments keep changing names and interior decore, this cozy restaurant keeps attracting customers, old and new alike, with its outstanding cooking. We have visited this place several times, and each time, our guests have been impressed with the unique menu and tasty dishes.
12, DaLong Rd.(04) 2323-6254, 2327-0225 Hours: 11 am-10 pm10% service charge (except for take-out). http://www.taiwanfun.com/central/taichung/dining/0610/0610Spain.htm
星期二, 10月 24, 2006
O. Henry
While preparing for a short story, found more related information that could be used in presenting - the exqusite balance in the diction, dramatic turn at that ordinary, everyday moment and thoughts provoked. It just occured to me that O. Henry, like many before and after him, was such a unique and able person. Unique in the stories he wrote; able, in the fact that these stories, after almost a century, still strike a chord.
星期五, 10月 20, 2006
Breakfast alley
Gift of life
Finally got this 921 documentary on DVD. 921 stands for a date that some still recall with mixed feelings - horror from the destruction done by quakes, pain stirred up by those who departed and courage that helps people getting back on their own feet once again. This transformation from the lowest point to rising up also helps to uplift its viewers.
星期二, 10月 17, 2006
星期六, 9月 30, 2006
Received fervent responses from kids for this provocative movie. "Compelling....makes a powerful statement" says it all. The director put, not cheating techniques nor individuals, but the whole society under microscope. Because the topic is common, the movie is presented in an atypical way that shakes its viewers. Some said that they made a bee line to the video rental store for this title, and they, too, had this catharsis. Good literature, as well as good movies, does advance and elevate human mind.
Tea time
星期五, 9月 29, 2006
Ghosts from the past
Several days ago, was accosted by some one - wasn't sure until he called out the third time. His face was a vague and distant memory because now have been on a different schedule and fighting for a totally different cause.
While it is undeniable that service in the military is excruciating, many still find it hard to just jettison those memories. After all, those days did leave indelible marks in and out.
Now in restrospect, we were really like a bunch of naughty kids having fun on this Never Land. While no parents were around to supervise and look after us, we did a good job in taking care of ourselves, and faithfully carrying out tasks that no one would like to go through again.
One particular person wrote,"I'm sad and happy. Sad because have to sever my tie with the society; happy, because now i don't have to face the pressure of becoming an adult."
Gee, really miss my playmates.
星期一, 9月 25, 2006
ducks ducks
星期三, 9月 20, 2006
Orange Marches
Received a message in the mailbox. It was from a friend in Ireland who has been watching the news of the sit-in campaign in Taipei and the quarrels sparked off from that point on.
She mentions the Orange March in Ireland, where people with different political views and relgions sometimes clash together, resulting in bloodshed and deep, long hatred among people. Seems no solution in sight.
For those who profit from disagreements, they're called politicians; for those who bring peace along, statesmen.
She mentions the Orange March in Ireland, where people with different political views and relgions sometimes clash together, resulting in bloodshed and deep, long hatred among people. Seems no solution in sight.
For those who profit from disagreements, they're called politicians; for those who bring peace along, statesmen.
星期一, 9月 11, 2006
Being a child again!
While attending a small discussion group on how to take good care of children, one father and i found that while we're raising children, we simultaneously relive that long-forgotten childhood again. This time, however, I could really cherish the moment when our little child utters another after another new sounds, when she makes her first attempt to grab that toy and when she smiles back. ^__^
星期一, 7月 03, 2006
Child on the Road
Pulled a child off a busy road the other day. After work, on my way to a pharmacy, was startled to see a small child running bare-footed among the traffic. Quickly parked the bike and rushed into the busy flow of cars and motorbikes to pull that child, about the age of five, off the road. With the light from a beverage stand nearby, noticed that he was a bit different - a child with birth-defect. A warm-hearted girl from that beverage stand gave him a drink and called the police. A patrol car arrived within a few minutes, and that child was in good hands. ....... A child that grows up with the changing seasons is a joy to parents; a child that stays 2-years-old forever is a tormenting thing, a punishment.....sometimes.
Don't know why this child was left unattended and running among heavy traffic; he must have slipped away while his care-giver was distracted by something else. Children are treasures of the world, and parents are given different children to look after, to protect and teach, to pamper and love. ..... Wish him, and his parents, all the best in the world.
Don't know why this child was left unattended and running among heavy traffic; he must have slipped away while his care-giver was distracted by something else. Children are treasures of the world, and parents are given different children to look after, to protect and teach, to pamper and love. ..... Wish him, and his parents, all the best in the world.
星期日, 6月 25, 2006
Cat's in the cradle
My child was born and she is a lovely lovely baby. Now weighing like an average baby, she sometimes smiles back while we talk to her.(= was told that parents are crazy about their babies; didn't believe that until have my own one) Being inexperienced, both of her parents have to read and learn while trying to change diaper, feed her and apply her certificates. We're exhausted in the first few days, but gradually have adapted to the new schedule. Judy Collin's "The Cate's in the Cradle" comes in whenever i hold this small, little thing.
星期六, 6月 03, 2006
Voices that last
It has been raining on and off for the past two weeks. Rainy days bring back old songs. Joan Baez is one particular singer whose unique voice and style would catch a foreigner's ear; her albums were among the most treasured in many people's memory. Diamonds and Rust, Forever Young are made of simple words and only the necessary instruments, and therefore that message inside is even more salient. A guitar and a singer, how wonderful!
星期五, 6月 02, 2006
Made a deal with J, who has been shipping comic books into classroom, and the rest of the class. It would be wise not to spend too much time on comic books and get distracted. One girl reacted with the comment that she, besides being a student, is a citizen, too; and why should she be told to do this and that?
Then told them since the competition for good colleges is fierce and the expectation from their parents sometimes do influence how school operates, they seemed more willing to take the suggestion that in the following months before that BIG exam, comic books should have no place inside classroom.
Once asked a veteran teacher about how to carry out policies (or school rules) without bringing up the unwanted results. "Love and understanding" are two of her most salient conclusions. As to the process of setting up rules, she confirmed that it is vital to make it crystal clear and then enforce these regulations with firmness.
星期二, 5月 30, 2006
Strawberry Pear (Hylocereus undatus)
火龍果. Night-blooming Gereus
Soon May will give birth to a baby girl, and we usually take a walk after dinner. Along the road are rice fields and vegetable gardens. This fruit-bearing plant surprised us with its large and yet delicate flowers.
Soon May will give birth to a baby girl, and we usually take a walk after dinner. Along the road are rice fields and vegetable gardens. This fruit-bearing plant surprised us with its large and yet delicate flowers.
星期六, 5月 27, 2006
Old and Useful
It is easy to forget what magic reading can do to one's mind here in Taiwan. Because of the academic pressure from exams, reading is usually associated with fierce competition with peers, humiliating grades and nothing more. When college students graduate, they readily toss away textbooks as prisoners would do to their heavy shackles.
Once that appetite for books returns, so glad that it always will, a search will begin - to find out books worth one's while; several books are definitely not to be missed. One small compilation caught my attention with its rich content, elegant style and wisdom from many remarkable persons.
Later found out that some passages in this pocket book were used in many American schools for they convey ideas with succinct sentences. To me, in moments of doubt and perplexity, the book provide appropriate console and advice; hopefully, it will bring the same to you.
Once that appetite for books returns, so glad that it always will, a search will begin - to find out books worth one's while; several books are definitely not to be missed. One small compilation caught my attention with its rich content, elegant style and wisdom from many remarkable persons.
Later found out that some passages in this pocket book were used in many American schools for they convey ideas with succinct sentences. To me, in moments of doubt and perplexity, the book provide appropriate console and advice; hopefully, it will bring the same to you.
星期三, 5月 10, 2006
Famous Blue Raincoat
About some 16 years ago, one bookstore owner recommanded this CD title, "Famous Blue Raincoat," to me, and Jennifer Warnes' unique voice captured my attention. Unlike the coming and going in pop music, there are certain types of music that stay with you; this CD, written by Cohen, resides in this area.
Inside this album, three elements - beautiful voice, deep lyrics and excellent performance from the accompanying band - together express a mixture of conflicting motions inside every human soul. And here, 16 years later, this music title is still one of my prized collections.
Inside this album, three elements - beautiful voice, deep lyrics and excellent performance from the accompanying band - together express a mixture of conflicting motions inside every human soul. And here, 16 years later, this music title is still one of my prized collections.
星期日, 4月 30, 2006
Birman Rally: Passion
On the TV screen is a group of students with one pilot in a "simple" airplane, ready to jump down from a high platform, into the water down below. The first thought that came to me was, "They must be insane to do this silly thing." Insane, because that airplane is only made of fragile materials and powered by a crude bicycle chain mechanism.
Alas! Though some of those planes quickly plunge right after takeoff, a few do spread their wings and fly an astonishing distance before they make a splash. Through VCR footages and narrator's explanation, realized how much effort has been put into such 'silly' act. One single element stands out in this Birdman Rally: Passion. The passion to fly, the passion to defy common sense, the passion to accomplish the impossible, is the singular power that drive those simple airplanes up in the sky.
星期六, 4月 29, 2006
Toy for Joy
Passed by a drug store on our way home. Had never visited this one before so decided to make a detour. Aisles and aisles of babycare products spread in front of us, with dads and moms crusing among them. Because already had some large and necessary items ready, so this time focused on the fun side of having a newborn baby. Spotted a toy that plays our funny tunes and the small animals on top of it jump along with the music. It is very cute. ^_^
War Is Over
Stumbled upon some photos that bring back old memories while stationed in Matsu, a group of islands located far away from Taiwan. After 1949, there was a long stand-off between the Communist China and R.O.C., and people from both side were told and trained to keep vigilant against possible attack. Gaodeng (高登) is one of the frontline islands that has been fortified to an extreme point with artillery, guns, bunkers and mine fields; but, it is still nevertheless a wonderful place with breath-taking views, magnificent rock formations and soothing waves from the ocean.
星期二, 4月 25, 2006
DIY--- one way to cope with inflation
Have a box full of DIY tools, ranging from an electric drill to a compact set of wrenches, screwdrivers and plumbing spare parts. They're from several visits to the local B&Q shop, where people get to buy DIY tools and replacements for their home. Last night, took out the tool box and that electric drill and put in a new set of shelf on the wall, so as to make the best use of that space. Seeing that job done, a sense of satisfaction came up. Guess will try to fix that faucet in the kitchen next time.
星期一, 4月 24, 2006
The Road Less Traveled
This book,"The Road Less Traveled" bluntly points out how people's will and action conflict, and how to solve this conflict. This solution is simple - to lead a disciplined life, to do things in an orderly manner and plan ahead. These suggestions are not printed in fancy writing nor accompanied with attractive pictures, but they sure present the solution to those daily questions. Good book. Share with you.
星期日, 4月 23, 2006
Toy-grabbing machine
This thing may look innocuous, but you can lose a fortune while playing it. With one 10$ coin, you get one chance to move a 'claw' around and pick your desired stuffed toy. But, as you may have noticed, that these 'claws' have been 'adjusted' and few can actually get what they aim for.
Though most people do realize that, still, that gambler's mentality keeps them putting coins into that slot. Also some Japanese friends told me they have somewhat the similar things in their neighborhood, but they don't think these machines present too much a challenge.
Though most people do realize that, still, that gambler's mentality keeps them putting coins into that slot. Also some Japanese friends told me they have somewhat the similar things in their neighborhood, but they don't think these machines present too much a challenge.
星期六, 4月 22, 2006
Tax season
Told students that, besides hilarious April First, holy Easter, there is one more 'big thing' that most Americans have to pay attention to - paying the tax. Oh, well, it is also time for me and people in Taiwan to get ready to fill the tax forms, either.
Noticed that some co-workers do not seem to be concerned about this big "dent" to their wallet, and asked one. They have a practical idea towards this income tax - they simply ask the treasurer to deduct certain proportion from their salary EVERY month; therefore, there is no need for them to 'squeeze' out that amount of money.
Me? Somehow managed to save some from the utility bills and daily expenses, just enough to make both ends meet. With the recent price hike, sure need to use money carefully.
星期二, 4月 18, 2006
small gardens
Compared with my neighbors' beautiful gardens, mine seem uncamped. This is probably because i'm busy and lazy. There are several herbs, vegetables growing in this smll square. Chillies, rosemary and mint take up most of the space. Sometimes, kids come and pluck away chillies to play with; moms get to have some mint to go with their dishes. ^_^ If had more time, perhaps will try to use the space on the roof to grow some other vegetables. It is fun to have a small patch of land available in this crowded city.
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