事前找了幾個網站,先試用介面,來確定學生使用的方便性。挑中的 www.interpals.net 是免費的,註冊的步驟也算是不難,就決定它當這回上課的平台。計劃當然趕不上變化-電腦教室的預定/教室內的示範廣播系統都是變數,不過,最大的挫折來自課程進行中-網站主機限制使用者數(僅允許2個帳號同時登錄)。當下改成<自我介紹>的書寫和範例的搜集。
Looked through some relevant websites and tried out their user interface beforehand. This step was to ensure that students
wouldn't get entangled and unnecessarily frustrated in the registration process. One possible candidate platform was
http://www.interpals.net/ because it is free, and requires a relatively easy signing up process. Sure enough, planning is never adequate for changes - making sure that certain computer classrooms were
available and handling now different computer broadcasting
software. During the first stage, one obstacle surfaced and it was from an
unforeseen item - this particular website would only allow two user accounts from one
IP address. Had to change plan midstream. Plan B - how to use World to write a better self-intro and collective five excellent examples - came in handy.
The reward comes from students' smile and their happy use of what they have learned in class.