How I admire historians' candid comments and cold analyses of those who couldn't counter,
Envious of those who possess the power to gossip and rumor, and to get away with it all;
Tonight, Muse has found me again with thoughts unspeakable, palpable only inside -
Long I mourn my sister's sad departure, and yet flinch at the approach of a live one
Again recall Mother's lullaby in dreams, yet shy away from her frailty when it's alight
Father's voice is a cold wall for any attempts made during those sporadic nights
With a family of my own, between the joy of being a father and tear of a son astray,
How I long to share this moment of peace with Mom and Dad, with my only sister now;
And you see how ghosts that haunt me - gossiping tongues, a heavier yoke, and what
Money, if only i could have more, then predicaments would vanish, would go away
Alas, alas , now you see the flimsy excuse I have been holding on.