..........某個週末傍晚,抱著小朋友去買便當,回程時看到一個老婆婆在溲水桶旁收集東西 就一個想幫忙的心態,把錢包內的一點錢拿給她....她不願收,直說這東西收回去是要做堆肥的,不缺錢..... 又強塞給她,因為有個東西扯著心頭,如果她願收下,或許心裏會好受一點 她,牽著我的手,細細訴說著她那好久好久以前家境不錯的娘家,還有那嗜酒好賭的丈夫如何毀了她初嫁的幸福, 在一個無名的路旁,在冷冷的秋風中,離家多年後...看著她臉上的屈屈折折的皺紋,心裏頭苦苦酸酸的.. 她或許不缺這錢吧.... 不過覺得好像在和自己的母親講話一般...真想回家見見媽媽
Happiness presents itself, most clearly, in its absence.
星期三, 11月 01, 2006
nice, cozy restaurant: Tapa Tapa

Located in downtown area, this place serves excellent spanish dishes; and when its neighboring establishments keep changing names and interior decore, this cozy restaurant keeps attracting customers, old and new alike, with its outstanding cooking. We have visited this place several times, and each time, our guests have been impressed with the unique menu and tasty dishes.
12, DaLong Rd.(04) 2323-6254, 2327-0225 Hours: 11 am-10 pm10% service charge (except for take-out). http://www.taiwanfun.com/central/taichung/dining/0610/0610Spain.htm
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