May just took kids out for a walk around the neighborhood. Yesterday was her workday and I took care of our two little daughter. Now I have the whole house (house chore) for myself - laundry and dishes; floor and ironing. This is not a complaint, though. When life has a pattern to follow and to expect, it is like a picture in focus - clear, beautiful and satisfying.
星期日, 3月 24, 2013
今天才有休假的太座帶孩子出門去....輪我留守家裏, 衣服要洗要晾...大姐的直排輪也要清洗.....這並 不是抱怨....因為清晰有脈絡可循的生活,如同一張有 對上焦點的照片一樣,是美麗又賞心悅目的。
May just took kids out for a walk around the neighborhood. Yesterday was her workday and I took care of our two little daughter. Now I have the whole house (house chore) for myself - laundry and dishes; floor and ironing. This is not a complaint, though. When life has a pattern to follow and to expect, it is like a picture in focus - clear, beautiful and satisfying.
May just took kids out for a walk around the neighborhood. Yesterday was her workday and I took care of our two little daughter. Now I have the whole house (house chore) for myself - laundry and dishes; floor and ironing. This is not a complaint, though. When life has a pattern to follow and to expect, it is like a picture in focus - clear, beautiful and satisfying.
和一群熱血又愛打岔的年青人約定,胖胖的我,在7月前, 要挑戰那個減重十公斤;年青的他們,要挑戰更好更優的學 業表現。一言為定!
(老皮? 你要問他才知道那表情是啥麼意思囉...)
(老皮? 你要問他才知道那表情是啥麼意思囉...)
下課鐘响後,向他招手示意,這高高帥帥的大男生也笑笑的 走過來; 要求他上課時間別再把手機拿出來玩....他也笑笑的說 好....(同一間教室,有學生是有明確目標/ 科系的,比較願意善用週遭機會/ 考卷,磨掉各科不精熟的部份....是否擁有明確的目標. ....學習動機強弱的差別可能就在這兒吧)
「是你想要的,就要努力,沒真做到絕不放棄。如果你有什 麼夢想,你就要竭盡所能去實現,直到夢想成真。」--- -"October Sky"
一個夢想,足以點燃巨大的飛行船引擎,衝向太空。 tober Sky>裏的那群小男孩,憑的是一股熱情, 克服萬難, 建造火箭....最後成為太空船工程師........ ...如何讓孩子看到未來的夢想? 要如何讓孩子找到那直上青天越挫越勇的衝勁? seleneyang/3106148 tt0132477/
下午的二堂連課......刻意的將課堂內容加以調整, 將學習主動權交給學生: A. 作文的分享--在20分鐘內,學生先寫完作文,接著分組 討論,以同儕間的友善回饋代替單向的批閱; 第二堂課,先以練習卷中題目的要求,讓學生共同練習,也 指出課文的重點和學生容易疏漏的點, 再讓帶入課文的說明.....
這二堂課的安排,...稍稍避開了全由教師主講/ 學生抄筆記的形式--有了分享和討論,全力完成作文的動機 也強一點點;因為有同儕討論,好作文會被視為共同目標, 而錯誤之處也因眾人之力,較不會被遺漏;也因先點出了題 目的要求, 課文解說時, 比較多雙眼晴願跟隨著粉筆和說明......
這段記錄留於此, 自勉也自勵...要再加油, 縱使那個進度和考試主導一切的壓力仍在, 自己要想各種辦法將學習內容更有效的呈現出來。
這段記錄留於此, 自勉也自勵...要再加油, 縱使那個進度和考試主導一切的壓力仍在, 自己要想各種辦法將學習內容更有效的呈現出來。
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