假如我是公司老板,新進人員的訓練中,一定會加入這麼一段:I would put in this in the training of new recruits, if I were in charge of a company.
讓受訓人員當消費者,指令是要完成退換一件貨品, 過程: 給她/他不同的退換貨電話和一堆擁有"其實這不干我事/不是我的球"的sales,總機小姐和搞不定貨品收件地址的收件駕駛。然後在完成退換貨和程序後,再加入相互衝突的電話通知/簡訊/email,使受測者完完全全搞混,無法得知貨品是否已完成退換貨...(當然,要加入焦慮因子: 限時完成或處罰等等來模擬實況)....
These trainees will complete the process of returning a commodity to its original seller. During the process, s/he will be given different phone numbers to call and answered by those who would mislead them with wrong addresses and refund procedures. Once s/he completes the phone calls, trainers will give them conflicting text messages and emails to confuse these trainees. Factors such as time limits and penalties are given and constantly mentioned so as to create the anxiety experienced by customers in the real process.
目的: 這能使新進人員體驗消費者的處境和心情,將客服的程次,由外顯的口號和微笑,內化成真誠的服務和關心 (當然,這群新人通過這程序後,有人心中也會冒出疑問: 靠! 這根本就是公司制度/規模的問題,干我什麼事呀! 人家有錢有規模的,就指定單一客服,單一案號,一直到case結案為止; 我們公司小,賣貨的/製造的/出貨的/送貨的,全都是不同的公司,誰那麼牛,可以打通全脈呀!)This is done to help new recruits to learn and internalize what a customer will go through in such a situation. Hence cultivate sincere care and service in their heart, transforming superficial slogans into real, authentic concerns for customers.
PS.在一天的課程結束後,還記得所有來電者的名字,又能劃出子母公司上下和交貨橫向關係圖的,可以送到會計室深造。 而那個臉上始終笑瞇瞇,口氣婉轉客氣毫無變化的,適合當客服。 那個很明顯什麼都沒記住,卻又能掰的頭頭是道,厚臉皮到極至的,絕對是跑業務打廣告的料。
When a day's course comes to an end, the one who still remembers all callers' numbers, and is able to draw a diagram to indicate the hierarchical structures of the companies involved, should be sent to the accounting apartment. And the one who maintains a constant smile and politeness in his/her conversation, should be in Customer's Service.
那位能善用手上iPhone和iPad來記錄來電和追踪聯絡公司和退換貨紀錄的,另帶入<退換貨共管系統>來整合整個過程的受測生,絕對擁有改善整個進出貨倉管系統的潛能。 能針對上述情形,交上一份公司營運分析和對進出貨各節點建議作法的,是企管出身又能學以至用的,屬於管理職。 至於提交出法律訴訟程序書,引用各法條來爭取自身權益的,則分發到公司法務室。