星期二, 10月 23, 2012


This morning started well, and my kids and i even had a chance to do the dishes together. Next, the remote control that she held in hand moments ago went missing. So, I told her we needed to find it or we couldn't really find the TV cartoon channel. During this roughly 30 minute hide-and-seek game, I gave her a lecture on the importance of keeping things in their usual place. When we finally l
ocated that remote control in a corner, that facial expression on her face told me that she may have really learned the reason behind that house rule.

太座出差勤,早上帶孩子,從準備早餐/吃飯/一起洗碗,一切順利; 袛是,我們家大姐不知怎麼回事,找不到她剛才拿在手上的電視遙控器 0..0 心想就順便機會教育一下(平時要求物有定位,也好省下找東西的時間),要她一定要找出來(不然她也沒法兒看她愛的卡通)也沒刻意幫她找,這30來分的時間內,督促她找東西,也拿著掃把,將客廳打掃一回....後來,在客廳角落裏的玩具收納裏找到....這回,由她臉上的表情來看,她應不會再亂扔東西了。




Tonight had a wonderful chance to see a beautiful moth. She is a beautiful one, and her shape and colors are truly heavenly made. It is a pity I didn't have any high-performance camera with me. Took this picture with a five-year-old camera phone.