Stumbled upon this particular piece of speech during my search for great works from notable orators. Just like a cool breeze during a lethargic afternoon, gently but surely wakes one up and it is potent enough to keep one awake all day.
It was written by Mary Schmich and published as a newspaper column in 1997. Later, amid its ever growing popularity among readers, and its pithy way of providing useful advice, Baz Luhrmann made it into a song and released it in 1999.
Tea used to be my best companion when i was weary and tired; now, words from this article-turned-into-song has become another refreshment that keeps my spirits high.
What would you find in it? Sincere suggestions for questions that textbooks fail to answer, situations that allow no impartial judgments and things that you may want to know but are too embarrassed to ask.
Watch and listen youself: