星期六, 4月 24, 2010


紙箱王....中科店 小朋友愛的是小火車和蜜蜂箱的設計;園內餐廳食物還不賴。福科國中週遭環境都是新建的大厦和商店,車水馬龍和十幾年前的一片荒蕪完全無法產生關聯。

Old songs last

Along the way, "Famous Blue Raincoat" has been one of my favorite music album. The combination of Jennifer's passionate voice with Leonard Cohen's poetic lyrics is superb. Thanks to the Internet, the once-baffling lyrics have been deciphered one by one from those who adore this piece of art. You got the Joker, you said. Maybe you will find some consolation here in this album.