Today I gave a solemn lecture to our two daughters about NOT to correct their husbands, especially when their husbands are bragging about how big the fish they dragged ashore, with their arms fully extended. Even though that fish is just a small one, that scientific attitude won't help you get along with your husband.
星期六, 4月 21, 2012
今天跟咱家兩個女兒說,以後嫁人後,若她們老公正在別人前大大地 吹噓上回去釣到的大魚有多大(雙手一整個平伸),千萬千萬別立刻 打斷這男人的"吹噓",又舉出食指和大拇指,強調這才不是那回事 ,那"拉上岸"的也袛不過"小魚"一隻,而你,這個"剩一張嘴" 男的太太,才是"事實"的擁護者那種態度和高度啦....... (常被拆台的老公)
Today I gave a solemn lecture to our two daughters about NOT to correct their husbands, especially when their husbands are bragging about how big the fish they dragged ashore, with their arms fully extended. Even though that fish is just a small one, that scientific attitude won't help you get along with your husband.
Today I gave a solemn lecture to our two daughters about NOT to correct their husbands, especially when their husbands are bragging about how big the fish they dragged ashore, with their arms fully extended. Even though that fish is just a small one, that scientific attitude won't help you get along with your husband.
星期五, 4月 20, 2012
Time is the substance
that darn, high, suffocating humidity
星期一, 4月 02, 2012
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