星期四, 5月 24, 2012
今天天氣好, 傍晚夜騎 22 公里完成--出門前接了通公務電話,話來畫去的,為的是 那個<考試不考+上課猛看小說+又講不聽叫不動罵不得 precious媽寶>想再靠特別優待要我的簽名,集滿點數拿到一張証書。學校又不是 7-11,花錢集點數咧! 真嘔!教訓輔的 合作變成各自獨立作業,更別提那插花二年多的圖書館義工証。掛 電話後,其實心情有點激動起伏。
學校的教育功能並非萬能(很多老師在人本基金會的作為下 ,在強勢又護兒心切的家長要求下,態度均由全然的投入變 成明哲保身的不再雞婆)....家庭中家長的陪伴和指導 / 身教和言教永遠無法被學校取代,再多的錢和藉口都無法幫孩 子成材,袛有花時間和孩子慢慢磨慢慢教,家長的言行和教 誨會慢慢轉化成孩子的處事態度;第一是態度,第二是態度 ,第三還是態度,是我等下一代成功(或失敗)的關鍵。
星期四, 5月 17, 2012
今天上指考作文猜題: How to Save Energy
恰好頂樓教室旁最近剛鋪上綠草皮來降低日曬溫度,學校屋頂也裝設 太陽能面板,惠小門口也有風力發電機,也指出來給學生作寫作補充 。也開始騎車上下班;因為馬路兩旁很多違規停車或佔用,在車陣中 必須很小心騎,也要提早出門。平時騎機車沒發現,騎上車才想起. ..上班路線全是緩上坡.....
Shared a typical and politically correct title "How to Save Energy" in today's compo class. Several patches of grass and green plants had been installed on nearby rooftops and used them in this practice. Also promoted the idea of buying local food produce instead of getting imported items. Alternative energy sources - solar panels, wind turbines on nearby building tops were pointed out.
Shared a typical and politically correct title "How to Save Energy" in today's compo class. Several patches of grass and green plants had been installed on nearby rooftops and used them in this practice. Also promoted the idea of buying local food produce instead of getting imported items. Alternative energy sources - solar panels, wind turbines on nearby building tops were pointed out.
2011/9/6 3C用品
new casing for mini-lap-top
現金 1,200
2011/9/6 3C用品
new casing for mini-lap-top
現金 1,200
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