星期日, 1月 28, 2007



星期六, 1月 27, 2007


Now, after dwelling on it for some days and nights, finally found some answers to why I was constantly reminded of that place called Matsu - it was this: it taught me the beauty of life lies in simple things.

While stationed there as soldiers, we were deprived of freedom and the modern conveniences. Hence things became simple, without interruptions and distractions. Some of us, from this seemingly desolate island, learned bit by bit to appreciate what was around and what life really was.

The grandeur of Mother Nature: The surging waves, the turquoise sky and the hard rocks come together to create a stunning piece of art that, like a masterpiece, draws the attention of visiting auditors and makes them ponder over the meaning behind.

星期六, 1月 06, 2007


< 革命前夕的摩托車日記>一幕中, 切‧格瓦拉躍入急深河水,不顧一切危險的向隔岸游去;隔岸,是你的朋友你的理想和你的承諾。

他說,由幼兒而兒童,青年而至成年,成長的過程,個體慢慢的接受[社會的馴化],包袱一件件加上身失去了生命原有的真,被放進一個框架之中,無法再大步邁進。 那把電吉他那把嘶吼自由和頭上的雜毛,是我的身份就是我;今晚報社記者也拿到了母親受賄的証據,正義要被伸張,虛偽的面具應該要被摘除!

母親一直忙,沒機會說:理想和熱情是好的,也有危險的一面;哥倫布/哥白尼能發現新大陸和推翻地球中心論,乃因能堅持自己的見解,而修正舊有的不正確的觀念;諷刺的是,大陸文革中的紅衛兵,以武裝衝突暴力來實踐毛的思想毛的理想,被鼓勵推翻傳統,甚至去"衝"中南海向"敬愛的毛主席"致意,事後的下場是被下放勞改。那荒唐的“年代”除了痛苦之外,又有幾代仁人志士的信念、青春和美好理想被埋葬掉? 張董送來你的留美學費,拿在手裏,沈甸旬的,應該夠你用了;從小沒多少機會陪你長大,這是媽媽欠你的。

切‧格瓦拉還好死的早,Guevara, Che, real name Ernesto Guevara (1928-1967), 看不到你的肖像被資本主義當成可以打折可以裝袋帶走的商品來消費。
