Raven vs. Peacock (A Ridiculously Recurring Fable )
Raven and Peacock one day had a loud argument over a who-knew-what issue.
Hare happened standing next to Peacock. "I'm with you!" stated Lamb, resolutely; seeing how the Hare's furry look resembled to it helped make the decision. "You have my support!" followed the Wolf, who then took another neglected step toward the now passionate Lamb. A passing flock of common sparrows descended from the branches to the left side of Peacock. "Now let's vote!," they chirped in rare unison, each knowing after the vote Peacock would return courtesy with its beautiful feathers, a much coveted commodity among the homely sparrows. Just emerging from the bushes, the Black Bear directly stood up against the wolf, who had several times cunningly robbed the bear's dinner from its mouth. About time to settle that old grudge.
So the line had been drawn and a starring contest started. Suddenly a cell phone buzzed, and the line snapped.
Pandemonium ensued: Wolf devoured Lamb and Hare whole, while they were reasoning with others; Black Bear then gave the happy Wolf a violent slap on the rear end, and off it went up howling into the air; the sparrows each plucked one or two or three feathers away from Peacock, before the votes were even counted; and the Raven? Hey! Where's Raven?
星期三, 1月 16, 2008
A book about Greeks

"It's all Greek to me," is a phrase used to describe something that is beyond understanding. But, this very word 'Greek' holds a lot of interesting things for me; so much so that when i stumbled upon the book The Birth of Greek i, usually lukewarm about reading, instantly bought it. Although it stayed on the shelf for three more years before really had time to peruse it. With its elegant writing, detailed description and pictures, paintings, anyone who reads this book would feel the complete history flowing in front of one's eyes.
Why the zest? Since modern American and British people all too often use names in reference to ancient mythologies - rockets that have names like Apollo, Pegasus - then, it occurred to me that, it might be logical to read more about the origins and stories behind these names.
星期日, 1月 13, 2008
那袛是條簡單的柏油路,先進國家或是發展中國家都有,平凡都巿常景。家鄉街頭巷尾的柏油路,多是坑坑疤疤的 - 這兒隆起個下水道人孔蓋,那兒是沒收拾好的沙石,嘩啦嘩啦的沾上了輪胎; 在某個遊外的機會中,將他們首都的某一條新舖好的道路,上上下下的,仔仔細細的瞧了一回-柏油路面的黑,和路旁人行道水泥的灰所形成一整齊的線條,有份堅持;雙手放上去,傳來的是柏油和碎石扎實密合,沒偷工減料的跡象,這是一份愛護 。
那袛是條簡單的柏油路,先進國家或是發展中國家都有,平凡都巿常景。家鄉街頭巷尾的柏油路,多是坑坑疤疤的 - 這兒隆起個下水道人孔蓋,那兒是沒收拾好的沙石,嘩啦嘩啦的沾上了輪胎; 在某個遊外的機會中,將他們首都的某一條新舖好的道路,上上下下的,仔仔細細的瞧了一回-柏油路面的黑,和路旁人行道水泥的灰所形成一整齊的線條,有份堅持;雙手放上去,傳來的是柏油和碎石扎實密合,沒偷工減料的跡象,這是一份愛護 。

那時心底想起--我們美麗寶島台灣有條河流-死寂惡臭,河岸草叢一撥滿是燒焦的電路版-她叫二仁溪。當地回收業者從民國70年代起煉銅,煉鋁 - 如何電線取銅? 一把火燒就是了,獲利是首要目標。汙染防治設備?挖條水溝,將含有重金屬、硫氧化物、酸等成分的汙染排入河川;也造成今日二仁溪成為惡名昭彰的公害河。

錢有了,身旁的一草一木卻不愛惜; 為什麼? 台灣不是"經濟奇蹟"嗎?人民的教育水準也不低 荷包滿滿或是高學歷,卻無法讓腳下這塊土地保有原來的動人的<美麗>;這十多年來,危害台灣更烈於黑心回收業者的,卻多的是高學歷的混帳。
<美的教育 - 無用之大用>
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