星期日, 11月 08, 2009

how a kid gets his free cellphone

So Jim, to his classmates astonishment, carelessly let his cellphone lie on the pavement and walked away. A wager was on - Jim would 'ditch' his phone and get a brand new one in one week - for free; otherwise, he would pay for cold drinks for all. Walla! A week later, Jim brandished his new acquisition, an i-phone, to all's admiration.

How? On the very same day when Jim left his phone, an unsuspecting junior later picked that windfall and insert his sim card inside, never knowing this new-found cellphone, like so many others, had a built-in serial number and would reveal its location via the network. Police informed this junior's parents for their child's foolishness. Junior got a good lashing and his parents sent the latest i-phone to this street-smart proprietor as a friendly gesture and to stop the ensuing legalities.
