Struggles and protests forge a nation's soul, awake people from that daily stupor, and free people from mundane constrains, to what really matters.
picture from:
星期六, 12月 29, 2012
A Nation's Architecture
A nation's soul presents itself in the visible and tangible form of architecture. A nation preserves its historical buildings because these buildings host its people's common memory, or history. A country that does not preserves its old buildings, is condemned to suffer from loss of memory, forgetting where they come from and which direction they should go.
picture from:
picture from:
A Young Damsel
You see. This paradigm of a young damsel, letting go of every piece of her, looking for an near-impossible romance, and reflecting many, if not all, young ladies' heart, shows itself in arts and everywhere you look.
picture from
picture from
Mothers, Beware
One particular strong drive behind a person's deed comes from stories. Stories chanted, stories remembered, and stories told all build an everlasting image or paradigm that people follow subconsciously.
What stories mothers tell decide what their children may follow or avoid. A story that all mothers tell to their children is a story that reflects common themes, fears or desires within a particular people.
A country without traditional stories, or paradigms, is a country subjected to the influences of other cultures. A country which could build their own fables and children's stories is a country that has its own soul.
Political emblems and all that ubiquitous propaganda vanish as soon as their masters are out of power simply because they're not true and faithful to the nation's heart and soul.
That soul, though intangible, has the power to revive a country after 2000 years of wondering. That soul, though seemingly vulnerable, makes a world of brave samurais and devoted mothers. That very soul dictates a nation's direction, and ultimately, its destiny.
Then, are there any children's stories that you still remember? Or, do you recall only what Disney Channel has been broadcasting? Mothers, beware of the stories you tell, for they may very well make up your children's character and destiny.
What stories mothers tell decide what their children may follow or avoid. A story that all mothers tell to their children is a story that reflects common themes, fears or desires within a particular people.
A country without traditional stories, or paradigms, is a country subjected to the influences of other cultures. A country which could build their own fables and children's stories is a country that has its own soul.
Political emblems and all that ubiquitous propaganda vanish as soon as their masters are out of power simply because they're not true and faithful to the nation's heart and soul.
That soul, though intangible, has the power to revive a country after 2000 years of wondering. That soul, though seemingly vulnerable, makes a world of brave samurais and devoted mothers. That very soul dictates a nation's direction, and ultimately, its destiny.
Then, are there any children's stories that you still remember? Or, do you recall only what Disney Channel has been broadcasting? Mothers, beware of the stories you tell, for they may very well make up your children's character and destiny.
星期四, 12月 20, 2012
Sony ICF B03 and Philips (AE1120) 開箱文
商品的比較 Sony ICF B03 and Philips (AE1120)
----請看兩者設計上的用心程度: 電池蓋設計--一個是雙層防水半固定式;另一個是非固定 式單層蓋,容易脫落,且電池糟內電池裝入後容易翹起。
Please note the difference between the battery covers. One is securely attached and the other comes off easily.
想問的是---PChome 是國內的大型購物網站,為何拿不到質精料美,價錢佳的貨 品? Sony 這台,功能佳,設計貼心,附件多,(到手價格2120, 內含抽佣500,快遞120; 附件有攜行繩/攜行袋/ 手機插座轉接器和連接線,甚至還附上一個黃色的求救口哨) ; 反觀 Philips的機子,單單價格就要2450!!! 圖中的攜行繩也不是它附贈的..........真心希 望國內的購物公司,能真的替廣大的消費者多著想,多爭取 好的產品和價格。
----請看兩者設計上的用心程度: 電池蓋設計--一個是雙層防水半固定式;另一個是非固定
Please note the difference between the battery covers. One is securely attached and the other comes off easily.
想問的是---PChome 是國內的大型購物網站,為何拿不到質精料美,價錢佳的貨
星期三, 12月 19, 2012
Household chore
國文古文選沒一篇文章有提,世界各地歷史文獻上也沒記載,洗碗,特別是冬天用手洗碗,真是.......TMD 千古萬難呀。
It is such a torture to do dishes "by hand" in this cold winter season.

這些細胞,明的和大家是好朋友....可是私下真正的心態,完全是上級對下級的"管理和掌控" ..平時和你稱兄道弟,一臉笑容可掬地...可是背地裏,你可能袛是他的監視報告對象之一,袛是個業務項目。而你說的每一句怨言和家裏剛買的東西,都是他向上報告的內容。
報告內容往那兒去? 每個服役的士官兵,都有一個忠誠資料袋;這文件資料夾內,除了你自個兒寫的身家資料,其它一張張,都是別人針對你每一段時間,每一件重大事件的"觀察報告"。在職業軍人的昇遷調職中,"忠誠度"和"思想內容"都會被列入考核。可是,考核你的人是你看不到的,考核項目和分數,你也沒有申訴的管道。
輔導長和政戰士,是明的編制....細胞-或是政治作戰士兵,是暗的; 因為這回報內容裏,若有"實質收獲" 或是"配合得當",都會有獎勵 -- 榮譽假/獎金/記功等等...另有些"福利",你我可能聽都沒聽過(退伍後的"無名"海外高額獎學金/有固定薪給的某某基金會"志工"--工作內容無外乎回報特定對象的情資等等).....重賞之下..這些細胞都很願意配合。
考核眾人的,卻沒有人可以制衡...獎金拿慣了,若沒獎金時? ......結果? 對岸就找到一個可以弄到真正機密文件資料,又是管保防的下手....當然也是用錢來買他的忠誠....
Gold and Youth
Both gold and youth are splendid and dazzling.
Yet, you can not buy youth with gold.
(For arts' sake, i took this artistic picture without its owner's consent. Mr. Ryan, please forgive my rudeness, for I couldn't find a better picture to match this statement.)— 與 Ryan Angkor
記得國小時,曾有一回,某個富有又慈祥的鄰居順手給了我 一個蠻精美的"無用物"。我歡天喜地的把它放在家中某個 顯眼之處,就像是要向全天下人炫耀自己是一個多麼富有的 小孩一樣。後來就跑出門找街坊玩伴玩耍去了,一整個下午 的無憂無慮。返家後,發現那個美麗的"無用物"由原位消 失了。原來是媽媽將它丟了,因為是舊的,是沒有用的,因 為是華麗的,和家裏擺設格格不入的。就袛是一個打掃過程 的必然結果。
而小孩如我,很不甘心的哭呀鬧的;好像一陣哭鬧後,結果 會不一樣似的。
長大後,這些年,這旅途中也曾偶然看到精美動人的"無用 物";它們也不知如何的,就忽然出現,也忽然消失在生命 中;"無用物"消失的那麼乾脆,那麼的無影無踪,那麼的 無可挽回。但那被勾動的心弦,波動不止,時時刻刻提醒你 ,折磨著你-看呀!那些如果若能維持著,是件多麼美好的 事情呀;你看,你錯失了什麼!假如你......
現在,知曉某些道理之後,看過不少別人的態度後,對這些 偶而出現的"無用物"倒還蠻看的開的。心情調適的也快, 一轉身就忘了,像個八九十歲的老頭兒,心無波瀾的繼續那 日常的生活,那日常的動作。如此這般的平心靜氣,如此認 命的活著。這算是一種成長還是認命的放手呢?
照片中是一包裝精美的洋菇培養包,要給女兒當表現良好, 故事朗讀比賽拿到佳作的獎勵的;另外一包培養包,順便回 禮給常常拿二手童衣給我的同事,因為這些料好質美的小孩 衣服,替我們家省了一筆開銷。謝謝。
星期五, 11月 09, 2012

星期日, 11月 04, 2012
A neighbor gave us some guppies and they quickly gave birth to a school of small guppies. Lisa and Joy, love these million fish.
Education, Brainwashing and Confirmation in Individuals
The bugle is sounding, the crowd is roaring and it is only fitting to follow the drummer in this marching. Your body and soul seem work in unison with the whole crowd and you are being brainwashed. There are moments in life when one chooses what to believe in his/her whole life. Be it a radical political gathering, a traumatic experience to survive a disaster or a war, or a moment when one chooses to confront a pistol regardless of one's life. Moments like these confirm one's internal values and make us who we are throughout our life.
The issue is whether this decision is based on one's free will, or just an inevitable 'next step' in a 'calculated,' staged setting. Nazi youth rallies are often used as examples in setting up a stage to unite and consolidate its believers. These rallies created monsters who would commit horrendous crimes against humanity.
Some of the staunchest Nazi officers would go as far as murdering babies and children to achieve what they believed to be divine and holy.
There is nothing divine and holy in killing babies and children. And they did it. Simply because they believed it was 'correct.'
What has it got to do with you? You may ask. Advertisement and political propaganda all ask the same result with different degrees of persuasion techniques and brain-washing tactics employed in these Nazi Youth Rallies. Whereas, an liberal education, when it is notorious for its lax structure and failing to instill specific aims, requires one's thinking and regurgitating of what has been presented. Only through constant thinking and examining what is in front of one's eyes can one gain the true freedom of making a responsible choice. Knowing this would free one from the invisible shackles imposed by others, help one see the value of independent thinking and most importantly, aid one's confirmation of what is right and wrong. Such is education.
星期三, 10月 24, 2012
今日一景, 我衷心祝願, 孩子笑容時時在, 戰爭永不來。
And this I pray, that children may sing with a joyful heart, and war should never come.
星期二, 10月 23, 2012
This morning started well, and my kids and i even had a chance to do the dishes together. Next, the remote control that she held in hand moments ago went missing. So, I told her we needed to find it or we couldn't really find the TV cartoon channel. During this roughly 30 minute hide-and-seek game, I gave her a lecture on the importance of keeping things in their usual place. When we finally l
ocated that remote control in a corner, that facial expression on her face told me that she may have really learned the reason behind that house rule.
太座出差勤,早上帶孩子,從準備早餐/吃飯/ 一起洗碗,一切順利; 袛是,我們家大姐不知怎麼回事,找不到她剛才拿在手上的 電視遙控器 0..0 心想就順便機會教育一下(平時要求物有定位,也好省下找 東西的時間),要她一定要找出來(不然她也沒法兒看她愛 的卡通)也沒刻意幫她找,這30來分的時間內,督促她找 東西,也拿著掃把,將客廳打掃一回....後來,在客廳 角落裏的玩具收納裏找到....這回,由她臉上的表情來 看,她應不會再亂扔東西了。
晚上出門交水電費,7-11門外遇上美麗的台灣長尾水青 蛾。它的體形真是優美,令人驚艷。許多人都拿出高性能相 機拍照,手上袛有簡單的手機,袛能留下這張照片。
Tonight had a wonderful chance to see a beautiful moth. She is a beautiful one, and her shape and colors are truly heavenly made. It is a pity I didn't have any high-performance camera with me. Took this picture with a five-year-old camera phone.
Tonight had a wonderful chance to see a beautiful moth. She is a beautiful one, and her shape and colors are truly heavenly made. It is a pity I didn't have any high-performance camera with me. Took this picture with a five-year-old camera phone.
星期二, 10月 09, 2012
他們是好人嗎? 不是...是壞人嗎? 也不盡然...孩子,你看,紅花坂上,每一天,昇起的是一個女兒期望父親回家的心聲,並不是那面國旗。那是個如此沈重的抗議呀!
『人總是活在矛盾之中~對人類的絕望以及信賴~ 我們都是在這狹縫間生存~ 』
星期五, 8月 31, 2012
"A, 你聽說了嗎?"
"廢話,假如通知你比賽,而準備時間僅有一個半月;除非你有長遠的準備--超過三年的經驗/去年的班底,不然就算給你出隊,不是帶人去含淚鼓掌歡送其它有專班訓練的學校嗎。而且她 把發球權一直都捏在手上,今天[出賽權]當下丟給你是她說"這次輪到你";連著那些年不丟給你,也是她說"要增加有出賽勝利的把握!"
"哇! 這這這好像三國演義某一章節喔!!!"
星期日, 8月 26, 2012
Beef-burger sellers emphasize the fact that they don't sell American beef. "It's 100% Australian!" That 'like' button has materialized itself in the real world. Guess it will make its presence more noticeable around you and me. Do you 'like' it on your office desk?
星期一, 8月 13, 2012
今天上課,刻意的放慢步調,要求學生閉上眼,將呼吸調緩,清空心 底雜念,用一份寧靜的心情,將空中英語教室的朗讀,在心裏頭,轉 化為一份專心。因為專心一意的學習,是一份快樂;今日在課堂上, 確實的將此訊息傳達了給學生。
In today's class, deliberately slowed down pace, and asked kids to close their eyes, and regulate their breathing to clear up all those passing thoughts popping up here and there inside their mind. Then, with an air of calmness inside the class, they started that concentrated process of learning - listening to a lesson with their ears and hearts only. Today, instead of just following up that hectic and demanding curriculum, I followed students' heartbeats. This, I hope, would help students understand the idea that learning is such a wonderful thing.
In today's class, deliberately slowed down pace, and asked kids to close their eyes, and regulate their breathing to clear up all those passing thoughts popping up here and there inside their mind. Then, with an air of calmness inside the class, they started that concentrated process of learning - listening to a lesson with their ears and hearts only. Today, instead of just following up that hectic and demanding curriculum, I followed students' heartbeats. This, I hope, would help students understand the idea that learning is such a wonderful thing.
星期日, 8月 12, 2012
他那麼快的舉起手指責他人,這是意料之內;在被指出這是無地放矢 ,毫無事實根據而胡亂地指責之後,若他能說聲對不起,承認自己有 錯,那方才是意料之外,這人才是有所容納的大器。------< 人之常情篇>
星期六, 8月 11, 2012
之前,高一時,連續在班上的高分群中領先,B早已習慣其它人的羨慕眼光; 這一回的落敗,反而讓B更願意付出更多的心力,上課時更努力的發問。因為"第一名"應該是她的。
那個W君, 加入某社團球隊後,卻刻意的放掉高分群的位置,袛為同伴的"接受"。隨著家長工作不斷變換學校的ABC,"朋友"是比什麼都重要的存在;即使家中衣食無缺,身為海外學人的孩子,他卻無法在同一學校讀完課程。朋友二字,對這孩子而言,是如此珍貴。
星期日, 7月 08, 2012
Making it count
今一天,值得...不是因為上菜巿場買幼兒教具成功拿了個好價錢(ps. 自己要求丟照片上來宣傳,獲取值X$不知數,由二個教學玩具總價中扣除),是因為成功的按計劃讓一天的流程順利的跑完(晨起打掃/練英文/晾衣...帶小的去公園運動/菜巿場看萬象/竉物店觀察小動物....找到孩子的焦點/陪孩子玩/收衣服/倒垃圾),而且沒讓情緒控制太多的自己......這是勝利的一天! 也願明日能勝過今日!

星期四, 7月 05, 2012
天上人間,若無雙月相映,朋字可難成,又何來天外一字友 。
With this Internet social utility, people connect to people, or, who knows, a computer program which 'behaves' like people online. Friends have taught me to reciprocate - to give and take mutually. If i receive a befriend-request, I wish you would show me the real you on an equal footing.
With this Internet social utility, people connect to people, or, who knows, a computer program which 'behaves' like people online. Friends have taught me to reciprocate - to give and take mutually. If i receive a befriend-request, I wish you would show me the real you on an equal footing.
星期三, 6月 20, 2012
星期一, 6月 18, 2012
星期二, 6月 05, 2012
He was just right about three things. One, I couldn't produce evidence that he once told me so and hence the lost the right to claim that reimbursement. Two, no one would side with me at that moment, on that nickel-and-dime NT$ 1200 issue. Three, I couldn't produce a gun or knife from my pocket to kill him there.
星期四, 5月 24, 2012
今天天氣好, 傍晚夜騎 22 公里完成--出門前接了通公務電話,話來畫去的,為的是 那個<考試不考+上課猛看小說+又講不聽叫不動罵不得 precious媽寶>想再靠特別優待要我的簽名,集滿點數拿到一張証書。學校又不是 7-11,花錢集點數咧! 真嘔!教訓輔的 合作變成各自獨立作業,更別提那插花二年多的圖書館義工証。掛 電話後,其實心情有點激動起伏。
學校的教育功能並非萬能(很多老師在人本基金會的作為下 ,在強勢又護兒心切的家長要求下,態度均由全然的投入變 成明哲保身的不再雞婆)....家庭中家長的陪伴和指導 / 身教和言教永遠無法被學校取代,再多的錢和藉口都無法幫孩 子成材,袛有花時間和孩子慢慢磨慢慢教,家長的言行和教 誨會慢慢轉化成孩子的處事態度;第一是態度,第二是態度 ,第三還是態度,是我等下一代成功(或失敗)的關鍵。
星期四, 5月 17, 2012
今天上指考作文猜題: How to Save Energy
恰好頂樓教室旁最近剛鋪上綠草皮來降低日曬溫度,學校屋頂也裝設 太陽能面板,惠小門口也有風力發電機,也指出來給學生作寫作補充 。也開始騎車上下班;因為馬路兩旁很多違規停車或佔用,在車陣中 必須很小心騎,也要提早出門。平時騎機車沒發現,騎上車才想起. ..上班路線全是緩上坡.....
Shared a typical and politically correct title "How to Save Energy" in today's compo class. Several patches of grass and green plants had been installed on nearby rooftops and used them in this practice. Also promoted the idea of buying local food produce instead of getting imported items. Alternative energy sources - solar panels, wind turbines on nearby building tops were pointed out.
Shared a typical and politically correct title "How to Save Energy" in today's compo class. Several patches of grass and green plants had been installed on nearby rooftops and used them in this practice. Also promoted the idea of buying local food produce instead of getting imported items. Alternative energy sources - solar panels, wind turbines on nearby building tops were pointed out.
2011/9/6 3C用品
new casing for mini-lap-top
現金 1,200
2011/9/6 3C用品
new casing for mini-lap-top
現金 1,200
星期六, 4月 21, 2012
今天跟咱家兩個女兒說,以後嫁人後,若她們老公正在別人前大大地 吹噓上回去釣到的大魚有多大(雙手一整個平伸),千萬千萬別立刻 打斷這男人的"吹噓",又舉出食指和大拇指,強調這才不是那回事 ,那"拉上岸"的也袛不過"小魚"一隻,而你,這個"剩一張嘴" 男的太太,才是"事實"的擁護者那種態度和高度啦....... (常被拆台的老公)
Today I gave a solemn lecture to our two daughters about NOT to correct their husbands, especially when their husbands are bragging about how big the fish they dragged ashore, with their arms fully extended. Even though that fish is just a small one, that scientific attitude won't help you get along with your husband.
Today I gave a solemn lecture to our two daughters about NOT to correct their husbands, especially when their husbands are bragging about how big the fish they dragged ashore, with their arms fully extended. Even though that fish is just a small one, that scientific attitude won't help you get along with your husband.
星期五, 4月 20, 2012
Time is the substance
that darn, high, suffocating humidity
星期一, 4月 02, 2012
星期日, 3月 18, 2012
星期三, 3月 14, 2012
Calls from an unknown source

消失中的農地 encroaching city and disappearing farmland
星期一, 2月 13, 2012
星期日, 2月 05, 2012
星期六, 2月 04, 2012
星期二, 1月 31, 2012
星期日, 1月 22, 2012
iPad and its iBooks
Instead of filing a complaint,
I would put in this in the training of new recruits, if I were in charge of a company.
These trainees will complete the process of returning a commodity to its original seller. During the process, s/he will be given different phone numbers to call and answered by those who would mislead them with wrong addresses and refund procedures. Once s/he completes the phone calls, trainers will give them conflicting text messages and emails to confuse these trainees. Factors such as time limits and penalties are given and constantly mentioned so as to create the anxiety experienced by customers in the real process.
I would put in this in the training of new recruits, if I were in charge of a company.
讓受訓人員當消費者,指令是要完成退換一件貨品, 過程: 給她/他不同的退換貨電話和一堆擁有"其實這不干我事/不是我的球"的sales,總機小姐和搞不定貨品收件地址的收件駕駛。然後在完成退換貨和程序後,再加入相互衝突的電話通知/簡訊/email,使受測者完完全全搞混,無法得知貨品是否已完成退換貨...(當然,要加入焦慮因子: 限時完成或處罰等等來模擬實況)....
These trainees will complete the process of returning a commodity to its original seller. During the process, s/he will be given different phone numbers to call and answered by those who would mislead them with wrong addresses and refund procedures. Once s/he completes the phone calls, trainers will give them conflicting text messages and emails to confuse these trainees. Factors such as time limits and penalties are given and constantly mentioned so as to create the anxiety experienced by customers in the real process.
目的: 這能使新進人員體驗消費者的處境和心情,將客服的程次,由外顯的口號和微笑,內化成真誠的服務和關心 (當然,這群新人通過這程序後,有人心中也會冒出疑問: 靠! 這根本就是公司制度/規模的問題,干我什麼事呀! 人家有錢有規模的,就指定單一客服,單一案號,一直到case結案為止; 我們公司小,賣貨的/製造的/出貨的/送貨的,全都是不同的公司,誰那麼牛,可以打通全脈呀!)
This is done to help new recruits to learn and internalize what a customer will go through in such a situation. Hence cultivate sincere care and service in their heart, transforming superficial slogans into real, authentic concerns for customers.
PS.在一天的課程結束後,還記得所有來電者的名字,又能劃出子母公司上下和交貨橫向關係圖的,可以送到會計室深造。 而那個臉上始終笑瞇瞇,口氣婉轉客氣毫無變化的,適合當客服。 那個很明顯什麼都沒記住,卻又能掰的頭頭是道,厚臉皮到極至的,絕對是跑業務打廣告的料。
When a day's course comes to an end, the one who still remembers all callers' numbers, and is able to draw a diagram to indicate the hierarchical structures of the companies involved, should be sent to the accounting apartment. And the one who maintains a constant smile and politeness in his/her conversation, should be in Customer's Service.
那位能善用手上iPhone和iPad來記錄來電和追踪聯絡公司和退換貨紀錄的,另帶入<退換貨共管系統>來整合整個過程的受測生,絕對擁有改善整個進出貨倉管系統的潛能。 能針對上述情形,交上一份公司營運分析和對進出貨各節點建議作法的,是企管出身又能學以至用的,屬於管理職。 至於提交出法律訴訟程序書,引用各法條來爭取自身權益的,則分發到公司法務室。
PS.在一天的課程結束後,還記得所有來電者的名字,又能劃出子母公司上下和交貨橫向關係圖的,可以送到會計室深造。 而那個臉上始終笑瞇瞇,口氣婉轉客氣毫無變化的,適合當客服。 那個很明顯什麼都沒記住,卻又能掰的頭頭是道,厚臉皮到極至的,絕對是跑業務打廣告的料。
When a day's course comes to an end, the one who still remembers all callers' numbers, and is able to draw a diagram to indicate the hierarchical structures of the companies involved, should be sent to the accounting apartment. And the one who maintains a constant smile and politeness in his/her conversation, should be in Customer's Service.
那位能善用手上iPhone和iPad來記錄來電和追踪聯絡公司和退換貨紀錄的,另帶入<退換貨共管系統>來整合整個過程的受測生,絕對擁有改善整個進出貨倉管系統的潛能。 能針對上述情形,交上一份公司營運分析和對進出貨各節點建議作法的,是企管出身又能學以至用的,屬於管理職。 至於提交出法律訴訟程序書,引用各法條來爭取自身權益的,則分發到公司法務室。
星期二, 1月 10, 2012
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