今一天,值得...不是因為上菜巿場買幼兒教具成功拿了個好價錢(ps. 自己要求丟照片上來宣傳,獲取值X$不知數,由二個教學玩具總價中扣除),是因為成功的按計劃讓一天的流程順利的跑完(晨起打掃/練英文/晾衣...帶小的去公園運動/菜巿場看萬象/竉物店觀察小動物....找到孩子的焦點/陪孩子玩/收衣服/倒垃圾),而且沒讓情緒控制太多的自己......這是勝利的一天! 也願明日能勝過今日!

Today was worth it! Not because i got a bargain while shopping for kids' edu-toys, but because today somehow managed to control "self" and followed a planned schedule to keep the house tidy and clean and to provide chances for our little one to see more in an open market, and a pet shop. Dear Lord, now I can proudly say I didn't waste much of the precious day You gave.