星期日, 3月 10, 2013

Bad batteries


其中一個,問清楚他的作答已結束,請他出來.....告訴他..對他課業成績的擔心,也請他中午來加強課業....他安靜的點點頭,似乎也聽懂了我說的,要好好面對他的高中課業要求......加油! 別輸給自己! 這高中階段很重要,決定你們的大學入學成績, 別輸給自己! 加油!

While students took a review quiz in the morning, I went to have a look. One class needed immediate attention, and, without causing alarms, I walked in to send a signal to a few that were using their cell-phones. Why.... Why do children grow up in different ways? Why some flourish, while others don't do that well? ......Is it true that teens, most of them, lack self-discipline? This lack of incentives and motives may stem from an abundance of material supplies?
