星期三, 12月 29, 2010

2011 電子記帳本

2011 電子記帳本 (表末也附上2011行政機關辦公日曆表)

前往影音教 學:http://www.alpha.org.tw/crown/01.htm

source: shttp://0123456789.tw/?p=2120

星期日, 12月 26, 2010

Retro: It's Monday morning

On this wall, there is this painting, 'Monday Morning.' In this picture, there are travelers, on saddles, beside beasts of burden, next to a well, all readying themselves for the journey ahead. In the background is a murky blend of dimly-lit sky, fading stars and a vast dessert. Although everything seems hazy and unsure, there is something inexplicable shinning in the faces of these travelers, something all living needs, besides a map and a prayer, to carry out a day's pursuit. It's Monday morning, and it's time to begin. (Dec 17 2000)

星期四, 12月 23, 2010

This little charity drive

It is the day before Christmas, and students in the classroom respond to that charity call inside their textbook, Unit 02, The Chain of Love. Each of them not only has learned a touching lesson, but also decided to give their best wishes to help those in need. So happy to see kids share with others; after all, it is the spirit of Christmas.

星期三, 12月 22, 2010

Gingerbread House

Our daughter's first attempt to build a gingerbread house from a DIY package from the supermarket.

星期六, 12月 11, 2010



For the future michael jordans

It took years of practice and patience for this basketball player to achieve that immortal status. Your passion should never be your pretext for your being late for class, let along..............while all other students study in class.

Stage 02

Soon, birds and naughty kids will come around to check and peck. Hope this year there will be some left to show the fruits of patience.

星期日, 10月 31, 2010


難得的假日,有機會將房裏雜物、心裏的雜事來整理清理。天氣變冷了,衣櫃的短衣收入箱子,換上適合冬天的排列組合。跑了趟萬和宮旁的種子行,帶回二包培植土和小朋友愛的草莓植株;有幾位社區內的爸爸們表示,在家門前種二排草莓,可比全家人開車塞在往大湖的路上值得。也順便按著網路上的教學步驟,把家裏淘汰的大垃圾箱重新整理,變成蚯蚓的家。 它應該可以消化菜葉、果皮廚餘或是冰箱內過期的水果。

Making a Worm Farm


星期六, 9月 04, 2010

the flimsy excuse

How I admire historians' candid comments and cold analyses of those who couldn't counter,
Envious of those who possess the power to gossip and rumor, and to get away with it all;
Tonight, Muse has found me again with thoughts unspeakable, palpable only inside -
Long I mourn my sister's sad departure, and yet flinch at the approach of a live one
Again recall Mother's lullaby in dreams, yet shy away from her frailty when it's alight
Father's voice is a cold wall for any attempts made during those sporadic nights

With a family of my own, between the joy of being a father and tear of a son astray,
How I long to share this moment of peace with Mom and Dad, with my only sister now;
And you see how ghosts that haunt me - gossiping tongues, a heavier yoke, and what
Money, if only i could have more, then predicaments would vanish, would go away
Alas, alas , now you see the flimsy excuse I have been holding on.

星期五, 9月 03, 2010

好物分享: 高雄橋邊鵝油香蔥


星期六, 8月 21, 2010

America - The Story of Us

For those who wish to have a quick understanding of American history, History Channel offers a good opportunity - America, the story of us. Each chapter succinctly tells its viewer what matters most in that period of American history. This is a wonderful tool to gain deeper appreciation of how America came into being and what this world 'American' stands for. Share with you.

星期六, 8月 07, 2010

"Spartacus: Blood and Sand"

You won't realize that you're so blood-thirsty until you find yourself hooked to this TV drama, one episode after another. Blood and nudity aside, the plot is full of intriguing schemes and interlocking scenes also make viewing a sensational experience.




事前找了幾個網站,先試用介面,來確定學生使用的方便性。挑中的 www.interpals.net 是免費的,註冊的步驟也算是不難,就決定它當這回上課的平台。計劃當然趕不上變化-電腦教室的預定/教室內的示範廣播系統都是變數,不過,最大的挫折來自課程進行中-網站主機限制使用者數(僅允許2個帳號同時登錄)。當下改成<自我介紹>的書寫和範例的搜集。

Looked through some relevant websites and tried out their user interface beforehand. This step was to ensure that students wouldn't get entangled and unnecessarily frustrated in the registration process. One possible candidate platform was http://www.interpals.net/ because it is free, and requires a relatively easy signing up process. Sure enough, planning is never adequate for changes - making sure that certain computer classrooms were available and handling now different computer broadcasting software. During the first stage, one obstacle surfaced and it was from an unforeseen item - this particular website would only allow two user accounts from one IP address. Had to change plan midstream. Plan B - how to use World to write a better self-intro and collective five excellent examples - came in handy.

The reward comes from students' smile and their happy use of what they have learned in class.



星期四, 7月 15, 2010




志杰他爸樂的很,家中小朋友爭氣的考上嘉義的好學校,恭喜 ^_^

星期二, 6月 22, 2010

a mother and her son

Why, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

星期六, 4月 24, 2010


紙箱王....中科店 小朋友愛的是小火車和蜜蜂箱的設計;園內餐廳食物還不賴。福科國中週遭環境都是新建的大厦和商店,車水馬龍和十幾年前的一片荒蕪完全無法產生關聯。

Old songs last

Along the way, "Famous Blue Raincoat" has been one of my favorite music album. The combination of Jennifer's passionate voice with Leonard Cohen's poetic lyrics is superb. Thanks to the Internet, the once-baffling lyrics have been deciphered one by one from those who adore this piece of art. You got the Joker, you said. Maybe you will find some consolation here in this album.

星期六, 2月 20, 2010



星期三, 2月 10, 2010

The day we put away differences

was a day when our national baseball team fought their way up against formidable foes in international baseball games. Blue and green mixed together to support one goal: winning the baseball game for our country. This will explain why many people feel very frustrated to see young star players indicted for their long-term involvement in underground sports gambling.

The day we put away our difference was gone.


星期四, 2月 04, 2010



轉搭公車時,還遇到舊識-也是出公差(她是科內召集人)。這回研討會的內容,全是用心準備的,沒人袛是上台唸唸稿子交差了事;資訊內容也蠻新的 peer conferencing/ techniques involved in raising learners' awareness towards certain aspects in writing. 學了不少可以分享的好方法和新鮮的程序組合。

先前曾在台北工作過一段時間,中央圖書館內的多樣服務是我的最愛;但深深覺得台北不適合成家、養孩子,因為台北的生活步調又急又快,忙完一天後是很空洞的疲累。現在,會議結束,在回台中路上幫家裏的人帶了些她們愛吃的 croissant 和三明治。台北,拜拜,我要回家了。

星期一, 1月 25, 2010

Life is a process of becoming

Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.

Anais Nin, "Winter of Artifice" US (French-born) author & diarist (1903 - 1977)

This quote came from a bank of its kind where one may find glimmering lights of wisdom or wits in moments of doubts or anguish. There are moments in life when words couldn't fly because they might sound coarse, blunt and ego-centric; so good to find someone wiser to utter the best part of language - to communicate without causing unpleasant feelings or unnecessary confrontations. Gee, wish someone had told me this when i was 16. Just for you.

星期六, 1月 16, 2010


週末兼差結束後,奉令到逢甲買美味的小吃;<大腸包小腸>和<當歸鴨>都是家人指定要吃的。在這家新近出現的<廖家宜蘭蔥餅>攤前,看到都是長長的人潮,生意好像很好,按[人潮=美味指標]之原則,加入排隊,1個就要 40元 大洋,等上快半小時才買到,不過,yummy 真的是滿口的鮮美葱味。

地址:台中市西屯區逢甲路26號 (葛萊美唱片行外)


聊著聊著,突然來了這麼一句"原来你们台湾是这样子的呀 "....後頭接著一大長串的問句,裏頭的字句,都是回憶中的重要關鍵字--228事件、美麗島事件1990三月學運等等...。奇了?你怎麼這麼清楚,丟過來一個書名 我们台湾这些年 - 哎,這一本[台灣簡史],一票子的大陸同胞,最近可捧在手上看著呢。