星期五, 4月 20, 2012

Time is the substance

Time is the substance from which I am made. Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire.
- - - Jorge Louis Borges

that darn, high, suffocating humidity

Summer is here and so is that darn, high, suffocating humidity. 熱熱熱....可是辦公室後座的外國老師卻說,和加州比起來,台灣一點都不熱....是太濕太悶了...那個濕度顯示居然到66%啦....教室兩旁上層氣窗(應有可開可關的設計),當初因為經費不足,結果全用玻璃封上...教室內温度和濕度反而比外頭高呀.....最好的比喻是家電用品中利用熱風+溫度的旋風烤爐!!!!之前沒有裝冷氣,上課,對前面嘮叨的和下頭的,可是十足十的夏日蒸汽浴.....這種變來變去的天氣,唯有下班後外出運動,才能解開那一整天累積下來的悶呀....