星期日, 5月 12, 2013


減重日記05 : X- 3.1



He grew up just like him

剛處理好房屋稅單,電信帳單和信用卡帳單,還有房貸轉帳....天氣變熱了,冷氣都要再清洗一回....客廳裏的舊風扇也要再換新的.....真忙....母親節今日,我突然覺得 Cat's In the Cradle 寫的真好....

我也會重複那條路嗎? 忙著工作,忙著公事,忙著付帳單....卻忘了和孩子一同成長嗎?


Inside a recently-invented mosquito-trap, an ancient creature swiftly finds its position to take advantages. Such is the demonstration of adaption.

吸入型捕蚊燈, 因為安靜又有效,放置於室內外,減少小朋友被蚊子咬的機會; 前二天清理時,發現裏頭多了項古老的捕蚊裝置--蜘蛛網。有一隻小小蜘蛛很快的發現了,捕蚊燈內部提供了更好更快的食物來源。也許,這是蜘蛛演化/和新捕蚊燈設計的下一步呢!

That Silver Lining

"Life is such an excruciating pain in the ass. I wish Eve and Adam hadn't been kicked out of Garden of Eden."

"Why? So you may continue to live an easy life - with everything provided for, decisions preordained and your purpose nullified? "

"I just want a care-free life! Free from concerns, free from worries and get to have everything I ever want!"

"You then will lose your independence to question, to think and to rejoice at the fruits of your labor and logics. You'll become a pet in a cage."

"Easier said than done! I just saw you holding a lottery ticket and praying for the big prize. Aren't you hoping for a ticket to a 'wonderful' life here?!"

"Exactly! Serendipity does not live in the Garden of Eden and that is THE fun part of the deal and ordeal your get from making it on your own."