星期日, 3月 10, 2013


Security breach again.... Wonder who is making this attack this time....





Inside a maze

問他,何時失去了那份眼中對學習的光采? 何時失去那初進教室時,和同學舉手搶答的快樂....


那個決定是安全的,那是孝順的,那是孺子可教的, 卻不知為何, 心中總覺得有個地方空了。 "

袛有標準答案的考卷, 容不下好奇心的無盡探索。


最近中午排了幾個面對面的個別約談, 給小朋友加油, 和建議 - 若讀本太多, 回歸到基本的課本內容(複習卷)和單字7000, 設立合理的進步目標, 也適時為自己加油打氣..... 學測將近, 加油喔!!

另二個同樣讓人掛心怗記的, 一個去了日本遊學團, 一個還在為社團活動拼命,四處奔波....等他們有空,等他們不再有公假公差和國外遊學, 還是要請他們來辦公室聽我嘮叨一番。

So i have arranged a meeting with a few during the lunch break in the office to how them my concerns over their academic performance in school. A simple smile and a reminder of what they should pay attention to are emphasized. Remind them to reshape their studying strategies and narrow down scopes. So far have been able to make some grasp the point that time and tie wait for no people.
However, there are still two missing - one is on a study-tour in Japan; the other is totally committed to club activities. If and when they return, I sure will ask them to have a chat with me....



一定要問問, 也許能問到新的文具,
能讓學生不再重複錯誤。 ^_^

(ps. 在高二自然組的第一次作文作業中, 我差點忘了, 他們是第一回嘗試英文作文, 自然會有錯誤的文字組合; 會和以前一樣, 在這些作業中, 找出幾個重要的例子, 然後印成上課講義, 或上課或分組討論, 全班/全面性的訂正這些共同錯誤....)

Bad batteries


其中一個,問清楚他的作答已結束,請他出來.....告訴他..對他課業成績的擔心,也請他中午來加強課業....他安靜的點點頭,似乎也聽懂了我說的,要好好面對他的高中課業要求......加油! 別輸給自己! 這高中階段很重要,決定你們的大學入學成績, 別輸給自己! 加油!

While students took a review quiz in the morning, I went to have a look. One class needed immediate attention, and, without causing alarms, I walked in to send a signal to a few that were using their cell-phones. Why.... Why do children grow up in different ways? Why some flourish, while others don't do that well? ......Is it true that teens, most of them, lack self-discipline? This lack of incentives and motives may stem from an abundance of material supplies?




Last night, before sleeping, Lisa, our little daughter, requested that she should sleep without wearing a diaper. She is now able to go without diapers during daytime; that nighttime diaper is just an insurance. Even though her bottom quickly received two slaps, she was still holding to that demand with tears in her eyes. After a quick discussion, it was decided then she should be given a chance, albeit a bit early. It is a bit funny to see her stating her demand with that resolute face full of tears, and with a solemn face that you find in a grown-up.


太座不在家這二天,再次體驗單親家庭的難處。白天要忙,下班後要接小孩/幫小朋友洗澡/洗衣服/洗餐具,檢查小朋友的功課/聮絡簿,順便準備明早的早餐......小女兒晚上還咳到完全沒辦法睡覺.... 早上出門前,也是如同打仗般的忙......還好我們家的媽媽回來了!

While my wife was away on a business trip, went through what a single-parent family would go through everyday. After a hectic workday, must proceed to picking up kids, helping them get a bath, doing the laundry and dishes, checking their homework and preparing for tomorrow's breakfast.... Our little daughter had a bad cold and she couldn't sleep well at night. Glad our mama is home again.