星期四, 12月 29, 2011

Old Exam 考古題

There is no way for me to find out why this co-worker sent that old exam for a new midterm request. ......Several years ago,after several heated discussions, a conclusion was made that the one who puts the exam together should hold the final responsibility; given this fact, have less respect for this act. This old exam item was sent back and was prepared to do this part on my own. What to do next? Guess the best thing to do is to leave it here and carry on life as it is.

" Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose." Steve Jobs

開箱文: eWonder Pad 好奇精靈學習平板電腦

This article is not to compare this NT$ 6,000 children's e-reader to a NT$ 20,000 tablet computer. 這個電子書包在2011上巿時, 標價超過 NT$ 12,500大洋, 一年後以分期方式買下後. 發現它有許多好用的功能,也發現它的使用上的一些限制。以下詳敍之:


    1) 面板的顯示內容,在戶外日光中,幾乎無法閱讀
    2) 無法下載新的程式, 不似其它平板,可以到 Android market 下載學習軟體
    3) e-wonder pad 的網路瀏覽器進入 <文建會兒童繪本>  
     http://children.cca.gov.tw/home.php 此類的網站,並點選 flash 的童話繪本後,

以下引用其公司在Yahoo http://buy.yahoo.com.tw/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=2483349 所列出的內容:

"產品預置內容 主要: 康軒TOP945精選主題單元康軒BOOK945暢銷書籍LiveABC集團雜誌、叢書 國語日報繪本、叢書 親子天下雜誌、叢書大家說英語雜誌其他如影音多媒體等相關書籍."

----使用後感想: 未發揮 touch screen 的魅力, 文章內容和課本內容一樣,問題發問和作答,也和傳統作答方式一樣.....書面的填空題在此平台上也僅是變成了以觸控筆輸入方式的填空題作答,換湯不換藥。教學目標和方法,和"互動"較無關連---因為若以<多媒體影片講解> + <多重選擇方式> <錯誤選項內容的釋疑> 也許能較快速的達成教學之間的"互動";而多媒體的呈現,可以避開平面教材的缺點--如'數學的量化/點線面上無法'立體活化的呈現。

平板電腦的多功能, touch screen 和內容的成功結合運用,應會有更佳的學習效果....結合度不高的介面,反而會因其介面的不成熟,造成使用上的不方便,阻礙學習目標的達成。


A story that shows the curious, if not cruel, side of our casual life.

星期二, 12月 13, 2011



班上有一群成績好/品性佳的學生,也有單親家庭/低收入戶的,而那些父母社經地位高的,也並非是孩子是否’優秀’的決定性的條件....也有家裏有錢,家長有學歷,但小孩的心智仍停留在口腔期,玩的更兇,搗蛋的級數更猛...那些心智成熟,在校表現又好的,父母親的身教言教是他們的規矩,不須他人提醒;和師長同學的相處,不卑不亢--來自從小就在教會或是父母身旁觀察學習的結果(家庭和周遭社會組織有相當程度的正面互動).... 和他們父母接觸觀察的結果---父母相處是平和的,並無爭執吵架;收入或高或低,共同的條件是父母的心智成熟度/處事哲學皆有一套完整的架構....

星期六, 11月 26, 2011



惟一不變的是那個祝福: 袛要是人,都想飛高看遠;是父母的,莫不希望自己的孩子,能成材。孩子們,加油!


星期二, 10月 25, 2011


......good samaritans.....那個小小孩,還有那十八個冷陌面孔,以及事件後引發的討論和行動


星期四, 7月 14, 2011

The evil book behind every dictatorship: The Prince

"Dear reader,

This world is a dangerous one and, remember, power is the most important thing. Without it, you will be subjected to other people's wants and wanton whims. To hold power, it is necessary to be a realist and an actor. A realist recognizes what is presented and what is painted; an actor can project an image that helps him/her to achieve his/her goals.

Have no illusions about going to Heaven because you have to go to Hell to reach your goal. Use whatever means necessary - be it deception, empty promises, or straightforward murder and arrest - to build a leadership that is 'loved and feared.'

Best regards
Niccola Machiavelli
It has been a haunting question to many that why a leader, who always appeared kind and wise, should be later held responsible for countless murders and slaughters. This book, the Prince, written by Niccolò Machiavelli, may hold the answer.

Taiwan has not always been so democratic. It has had its share of dictatorship - mass campaigns aimed to promot a single political ideology, to worship a single leader, and to cover countless dirty jobs - arrests, tortures and murders.

Why? Why should a kind and wise leader order the death of his own 'beloved' people? The answer is in this book.

星期三, 7月 13, 2011

自己找的書,比較有趣--閱讀 Galileo Galilei

在一連串的問與答後,找到了一張書單;單上列出的書,其中一本是 Galileo Galilei: Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems . 書名中第一個字 Dialogue ,其基本意義就是兩個人的對話,此外還有被延伸,運用在戲劇和文學作品上;這種文學形式源頭甚早就被人類所使用,最早可回溯到古希臘。也許是因為"對話"本身是溝通表達的第一步,它是容易讓人親近的。建構在這最基礎的表達方式上,則是伽利略這位科學家化繁為簡的精妙文筆...(未完成)

星期五, 7月 08, 2011

Summer (lazy) recipe

炎炎夏日 懶人食譜:


一袋地瓜 85元 三條菜瓜50元 茭白筍X 12支 120元




ps. 這比煮碗泡麵等級還要高一丁點兒。

星期四, 7月 07, 2011


在照相機前, Twins 人沒變太多,攝影師如是說........當年的青春面孔,是如此昂然如此的無塵埃,和現在相比,神情裏多了一份怯怯不願回首,另一頭,也有連三年的情義相挺和那不再單純,不再一切了然於心的相識相知.......十年前,昂首開步前行,要看天有多高地有多遠,沒想到,卻被那好傻好天真跘一跤;十年前,是個直腸子一句話,這十年後,漫天紛擾之中,肚裏話不願再明說,一路瞻前顧後,袛怕遭著兵刃命隨傾。人海江湖裏,十年轉眼即過....

星期六, 6月 18, 2011

A faraway swimming pool


星期六, 5月 28, 2011

Poison that you pay for

The full extent of this food contamination is yet clear. Consumers are given a rude awakening in this incident: tainted health supplements, beverages and food have been poisoning our body all along for at least five years. Parents are especially angry because they purchased nutrient supplements for kid out of love, but only to find their kids' health irreversibly damaged. The government is a total disappointment in this nation-wide scandal; when a lab technitian detected this abnormal presence of prohibited chemicals, the health authority didn't respond immediately. Instead, it withheld this piece of information for more than 1 month, and subsequent responses failed to convince people that the government is here with people, or for people's rights and interests.

中華民國消費者文教基金會 www.consumers.org.tw

Faith and a free ticket

星期六, 5月 21, 2011

Tomato and Tax Season

More and more neighbors have decided to utilize their small path of garden to the fullest. Herbs, common veges, and fruits have been the favorite choice now instead of the old-school flowers. So much for the tax season.

Sony ICF B02

News anchors keep telling the world that the end is coming. Scientists and politicians could not guarantee anything. Even if tomorrow is the final chapter of the world, many probably will still remain who they are and celebrate life the way they have been doing. Life is so wonderful.

One Aspect of Truth

星期日, 2月 27, 2011



我在一 九四九年五月踏上台灣寶島,七月,澎湖即發生「山東流亡學校煙台聯合中學匪諜」冤案,那是對我的當頭棒喝,也是對所有的外省人一個下馬威。當年中共席捲大 陸,人心浮動,蔣介石總統自稱「我無死所」,國民政府能在台灣立定腳跟,靠兩件大案殺開一條血路,一件「二二八」事件懾伏了本省人,另一件煙台聯合中學冤 案懾伏了外省人,就這個意義來說,兩案可以相提並論。



The 228 Incident, also known as the 228 Massacre, was an anti-government uprising in Taiwan that began on February 27, 1947, and was violently suppressed by the Kuomintang (KMT) government. Estimates of the number of deaths vary from 10,000 to 30,000 or more.[1][2] The Incident marked the beginning of the Kuomintang's White Terror period in Taiwan, in which thousands more inhabitants vanished, died, or were imprisoned. The number "228" refers to the day the massacre began: February 28, or 02-28.


星期四, 2月 24, 2011




那一年冬天,野當歸的白花遍地開,謠指部的傳聞也成真: 國防部來了一紙命令,要一群梯數少於陸一特,又僅服役一年十個月的同伴,立刻打包退伍回家。有人歡天喜地的,因為馬上要回家了,而那些還有半年多的陸一特,卻被要求服完三年的兵役......那幾天晚上,高登島上傳出許多自裁意外--其中一個陸一特是我認識的人--他人長的瘦瘦黑黑的中等身材,脾氣好,臉上總是有笑容,總是鼓勵著大伙兒,期待著回家的日子--那天晚上,他拿了包不曉得那來的老鼠藥,吞了下肚。全連弟兄在隔天早上聽到這消息時,每個人的臉上的表情是那種很恨又很不甘心的表情....特別是他的同梯好弟兄們....

................"遙望伊人遠,長風吹思念,君當歸來胡不歸?" www.wretch.cc/blog/quaintbaby/7089835


星期二, 2月 08, 2011

A spy and a haunting prediction

This confirmed spy case rings a bell in history. Shi Lang (施琅), a defector from Zheng Chenggong's court, ended a Taiwanese regime that he once had sworn loyalty to. This was cited in a speech where the speaker implied that, due to Taiwan's geographic location, history may very well repeat itself again.


星期一, 1月 31, 2011

Retro: In this dark forest

On the edge of a humble pond, there is a fireball of many fireflies.

"How they glow in the dark!" marvels the bug, "me have not that light, and will never love or be loved?"

"Envy not." croaks the Invisible Toad, "See, this kind of love lies in glowing tails; once that's gone, nothing remains." And beneath that elusive ball of glow and row, struggle quite a lot who's lost that gloss.

"Besides," while munching on his new catch, adds this ugly crawler, "in this dark forest, a torch burning bright tempth all too many vicious fangs and a sticky tongue."

星期六, 1月 29, 2011

cold cold cold




星期日, 1月 23, 2011

家庭修繕 DIY 網站

  打算在春節前,更換衛浴廚房內維修多次或用不順手的設備-列了清單,也上網估價,其中有個網站http://fix.housefun.com.tw/ 詳細的將各項問題分門別類,提供影片示範如何處理家中的修繕問題。


星期四, 1月 13, 2011

Nietzsche, needs no translation

Good news to those who're busy and couldn't spare time to read a thick book. This documentary gives the gist of a philosopher thinking in 50 minutes. Good presentation and analytical sharing from those who have studied Friedrich Nietzsche make this a treat for the mind.

星期日, 1月 09, 2011

Strawberry season

The weather is getting colder and strawberries are just in season. A neighbor sent his daughter to share this news: their first harvest was ready. Joy and Lisa, our daughters, got to share their happiness and the fresh taste of this year's strawberry - not from the supermarket, but from our very own small gardens.

This tiny patch of strawberries has been a daily topic of our family talk. Our kids, especially the elder one, enjoys watching flowers coming into red strawberries. That berry from our neighbor's kept her smiling all afternoon. Soon, it will be our turn to bring fresh berries to visit our neighbors.

home, that distant calling

