星期四, 7月 14, 2011

The evil book behind every dictatorship: The Prince

"Dear reader,

This world is a dangerous one and, remember, power is the most important thing. Without it, you will be subjected to other people's wants and wanton whims. To hold power, it is necessary to be a realist and an actor. A realist recognizes what is presented and what is painted; an actor can project an image that helps him/her to achieve his/her goals.

Have no illusions about going to Heaven because you have to go to Hell to reach your goal. Use whatever means necessary - be it deception, empty promises, or straightforward murder and arrest - to build a leadership that is 'loved and feared.'

Best regards
Niccola Machiavelli
It has been a haunting question to many that why a leader, who always appeared kind and wise, should be later held responsible for countless murders and slaughters. This book, the Prince, written by Niccolò Machiavelli, may hold the answer.

Taiwan has not always been so democratic. It has had its share of dictatorship - mass campaigns aimed to promot a single political ideology, to worship a single leader, and to cover countless dirty jobs - arrests, tortures and murders.

Why? Why should a kind and wise leader order the death of his own 'beloved' people? The answer is in this book.

星期三, 7月 13, 2011

自己找的書,比較有趣--閱讀 Galileo Galilei

在一連串的問與答後,找到了一張書單;單上列出的書,其中一本是 Galileo Galilei: Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems . 書名中第一個字 Dialogue ,其基本意義就是兩個人的對話,此外還有被延伸,運用在戲劇和文學作品上;這種文學形式源頭甚早就被人類所使用,最早可回溯到古希臘。也許是因為"對話"本身是溝通表達的第一步,它是容易讓人親近的。建構在這最基礎的表達方式上,則是伽利略這位科學家化繁為簡的精妙文筆...(未完成)

星期五, 7月 08, 2011

Summer (lazy) recipe

炎炎夏日 懶人食譜:


一袋地瓜 85元 三條菜瓜50元 茭白筍X 12支 120元




ps. 這比煮碗泡麵等級還要高一丁點兒。

星期四, 7月 07, 2011


在照相機前, Twins 人沒變太多,攝影師如是說........當年的青春面孔,是如此昂然如此的無塵埃,和現在相比,神情裏多了一份怯怯不願回首,另一頭,也有連三年的情義相挺和那不再單純,不再一切了然於心的相識相知.......十年前,昂首開步前行,要看天有多高地有多遠,沒想到,卻被那好傻好天真跘一跤;十年前,是個直腸子一句話,這十年後,漫天紛擾之中,肚裏話不願再明說,一路瞻前顧後,袛怕遭著兵刃命隨傾。人海江湖裏,十年轉眼即過....