星期一, 1月 25, 2010

Life is a process of becoming

Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.

Anais Nin, "Winter of Artifice" US (French-born) author & diarist (1903 - 1977)

This quote came from a bank of its kind where one may find glimmering lights of wisdom or wits in moments of doubts or anguish. There are moments in life when words couldn't fly because they might sound coarse, blunt and ego-centric; so good to find someone wiser to utter the best part of language - to communicate without causing unpleasant feelings or unnecessary confrontations. Gee, wish someone had told me this when i was 16. Just for you.

星期六, 1月 16, 2010


週末兼差結束後,奉令到逢甲買美味的小吃;<大腸包小腸>和<當歸鴨>都是家人指定要吃的。在這家新近出現的<廖家宜蘭蔥餅>攤前,看到都是長長的人潮,生意好像很好,按[人潮=美味指標]之原則,加入排隊,1個就要 40元 大洋,等上快半小時才買到,不過,yummy 真的是滿口的鮮美葱味。

地址:台中市西屯區逢甲路26號 (葛萊美唱片行外)


聊著聊著,突然來了這麼一句"原来你们台湾是这样子的呀 "....後頭接著一大長串的問句,裏頭的字句,都是回憶中的重要關鍵字--228事件、美麗島事件1990三月學運等等...。奇了?你怎麼這麼清楚,丟過來一個書名 我们台湾这些年 - 哎,這一本[台灣簡史],一票子的大陸同胞,最近可捧在手上看著呢。